Principal's Update 8 March 2024
Published on 08/03/24
Dear Parents and Carers
What a busy week we have had! An enormous well done to the cast and crew of We Will Rock You! They have all been absolutely amazing!!! Their hard work has paid off and their performances this week have been incredible. A huge thank you to Miss Starbuck and Mrs Machan who have given up lots of their time and energy to work with the students to make the musical such a success, and also to our site team who have been on hand every evening. Thanks also go to our fantastic PTFA team who served refreshments every evening. All proceeds from the production will go back into our performing arts fund to enable future productions to take place.
What’s going on in school:
- This year we will celebrate World Book Day and Red Nose Day all in one go on Friday 15 March. This will be a non-uniform day for everyone. Any students wishing to dress up as a character from a book for World Book Day are welcome to do so, but there is no obligation if students would prefer to come in their own clothes. There is a suggested voluntary donation of £1, with all monies raised going to Comic Relief. Donations can be made either via Parent Pay, or our Student Council will visit tutor rooms to collect cash donations. Red noses will also be available to buy from reception at a cost of £2 each - please bring cash. Thank you in advance for your support.