Principal's update: Fri 17 July 2020
Published on 17/07/20

Dear parents and carers,
I just wanted to wish you a wonderful Summer and say thank you for your ongoing support over the last few months. Your kind emails and good wishes have been essential to morale, equally your observations and feedback have helped us to shape what we are doing to support your children and young people remotely. The young people in school over the last month have behaved in an exemplary fashion and I want to say ‘well done’.
start of new term
In September, we will welcome only Year Seven, Year Ten and Year Eleven back on Thursday 3rd September at 08:55 followed by Year Eight and Year Nine on Friday 4th September at 08:55. This is to allow us to manage the new timings of the day and the year group bubbles. We will begin on Thursday with a tutor period where we will set out expectations and the changes to the day, after that it will be lessons as usual. We will write to you over the Summer with more details about tutor groups and the health and safety measures when returning to school but essentially it is business as usual in full uniform. Any changes to transport will be shared as we receive the information from Derbyshire County Council, our current understanding is that bus services will return to normal. We will be waiting for the Government’s briefing on 11th August which should give us the green light to return to school
HVC Summer Break
The college will be open over the Summer break if you need to drop off or collect any items. Our email inbox for will be monitored every day. The headteacher account may not be monitored every day so any urgent queries should be directed to enquiries.
Finally, I want to say that my first year at Hope Valley College has been eventful but one that has allowed me to get to know the whole community and the wonderful people that we serve. Personally, I am looking forward to welcoming everyone back in September 2020 – I have missed them enormously.
Take care and see you all in September 2020.
Kind regards.
Gaynor Jones