Over £1,000 Raised At Online HVAFF Talk
Published on 11/03/21
Last night the PTFA held an online fundraiser in lieu of HVAFF
Last night the HVC PTFA held an online evening of talks with two well know rock climbers in honour of the Hope Valley Adventure Film Festival which usually takes place around this time of year. The event has so far raised over £1,000 in donations to our Around The World In 80 Days challenge. Ben Heason, ex-professional climber and uncle to two of HVC's current students, and Pete Whittaker, current professional climber and ex student of the college wowed and entertained with their tales and amazing photographs. In the virtual audience were ex students and staff, parents, friends, family and complete strangers from all over the world. Thanks to everybody who came and donated.
We've also written some FAQs re the challenge and are looking forward to more students and staff getting involved as the campaign has been given this boost.
What Is It?
It is a school-wide challenge for students and staff to collectively travel, by your own power, around the world. That is 40,075km. To make it an actual challenge the aim is to do it in 80 days or less.
Why Are We Doing It?
Primarily to raise money to help refurbish the sports hall at the school, but also to raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young. https://justgiving.com/fundraising/hvcaroundtheworld80
We're also doing it as a way of getting together virtually as a community in these tough times, encouraging everybody to do a little exercise, even if it's just a walk to the shop.
What Do I Need To Do?
Do some exercise and record how far you went. Whether you walk to the shop or to the bus stop and around school, or you are a keen runner or biker you just need to record the distance you have travelled. You will automatically be doing exercise. The important bit is to record it (see below).
You also need to share the Just Giving link above with your family and friends so that we can hit our target.
Do I Have To Do It?
You don't have to, but your teachers may set it as homework. Believe it or not Hope Valley College has a very good community spirit, thanks in part to events like this.
How Far Do I Need To Travel?
If every student and staff member recorded 1km for each of the 80 days that would be enough. It doesn't have to be a chore. Literally every step counts.
How Can I Travel?
You can walk, run, bike, skate, ski or ride a horse. Pretty much anything as long as you are not using an engine!
How Do I Record It?
Log into Teams. Click on the “Teams" tab on the left. Click on “HVC Community” team. Click on the “RTW" thread on the left. Start a “New conversation”. Write a message including km=NUMBER and/or steps=NUMBER. If you like you can also include more details to let people know what you’ve be doing, such as “Walking the dog, steps=894” or “Ride to sweet shop km=2.3”. All replies are ignored, but you can use replies to give kudos or chat if you wish
When Do I Record It?
You can post every day or just add up your activities since your last post, and remember, every step counts.
When Did The 80 Days Start?
The challenge started on Feb 13th at the start of Half Term. It's not been as easy as it could have been to let everybody know about it but don't worry, if you usually carry your phone with you, you can record your distance since Feb 13th by sending in your Steps which are automatically recorded by the Google Fit app (Android) and the Health app (Apple). This is actually a really important thing to do. If you don't do this we might not make it! It shouldn't take you more than a couple of minutes.
When Does The Challenge Finish?
Believe it or not it finishes on Star Wars day! May the 4th be with you. Sorry, couldn't resist…
How Far Have We Gone So Far?
Weekly updates are posted on the school website, Facebook page and Just Giving page. You can also email photos of you doing your activity to aroundtheworld80@hopevalley.derbyshire.sch.uk