Cavendish Laboratory Visit - Physics At Work
Published on 13/09/21

HVC students to become future problem solvers – preventing explosions of the kind seen in Lebanon last year, building the cities of the future, saving the planet!
HVC students to become future problem solvers – preventing explosions of the kind seen in Lebanon last year, building the cities of the future, saving the planet!
On Wednesday our triple physics students will take a virtual trip to the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Oxford where they will see exhibits from the various research groups who are working there. The students will be shown the variety of careers to which study in Physics can lead and the range of practical problems that physics can be used to solve.
Students will see demonstrations and be able to discuss physics careers during Q and A sessions with the people working at the university. Amongst the exhibitors will be groups working with AWE studying the confinement, reaction rates, shockwaves and energetic lenses of expolosives.The British Antarctic Survey will present the work they do in monitoring the ozone layer. We will also hear from the group developing nano machines to deliver drugs, build advanced sensors and make buildings environmentally friendly.
For further information on the exhibitors visit here.