Support for students
Our pastoral team helps students who may need emotional support or help with mental health issues. We have a range of pastoral staff who can support students at Hope Valley.
In the first instance students should talk to their form tutor who will be able to provide support for most situations that arise.
If you feel that you need more specific you can speak to someone in the wider pastoral team. The staff available are listed below:
- Key stage 3 Leader – Miss Starbuck
- Key stage 3 Pastoral Manager – Ms Cooper-Hughes
- Key stage 4 Leader – Mr Jenkinson
- Key stage 4 Pastoral Manager – Ms Daniels
- Student Support Officer
- Safeguarding Manger – Mr Robinson
Staff will be able to support you in finding a way to work through the things that may be proving challenging and can also refer you to other people who may be able to help. This could include our school counsellor.
What should I do if I am worried about my work in lessons?
You can speak to your teachers directly about anything that you are finding difficult in your lessons. You can also share you concerns with your form tutor who can support you or can discuss your challenges with the pastoral team and Mr Griffin, our SENCO.
What should I do if I am worried about my health?
- Look on the NHS direct website – there is lots of helpful advice about coronavirus as well as other medical conditions.
- Go online at and complete an online screening form.
- Call your GP – your normal family doctor.
- Call 999 if it is an emergency.
What should I do if I am worried about someone else?
- Encourage them to speak to a trusted staff member in school.
- Email and share your concerns.
- If you have worries about your or someone else's safety outside of normal school time or outside of normal school term, speak to a trusted adult. If this is not possible you can call Childline 0800 1111.
- If you or someone you are with is in immediate danger call 999.
What if my family is in financial difficulty?
Free school meals
If you are eligible for free school meals, please see our free school meals information on our catering page.
Free sanitary products
We have lots of free tampons and pads in school. Please contact your key stage pastoral manager or email and we will get them to you.
Student wellbeing resources
We have brought together a range of resources that students and their families may find useful. They cover issues such as mental health, exam stress, LGBT+, bereavement and eating disorders.
Below you can find links to various websites, apps and other resources which help support student wellbeing.
Those marked with * are based in the local area.
See also 'Mental Health Support' section further down.
RESOURCE PACK: This is an excellent comprehensive pack, with lots of insight, resources and activities. Particularly suitable for teenagers. Developed by the Multi Agency Support Team in Sheffield. |
Covid-19 Self Care Kit for Children Particularly good for younger children. Developed by Sheffield Children's NHS Trust. Includes advice as well as useful and fun activities for children. |
Specific advice, support and information about the current situation. Children can also have their own private ‘locker’ to log their feelings and play games and read helpful advice and information about how they feel, and how others have dealt with situations and feelings. There is also one to one access to a counsellor if they need it. Freephone: 0800 1111 |
This site is a document that is used as a self-help guide to look at specifically Shyness and Social Anxiety. This maybe a good one to print off and work through the exercises. |
NSPCC advice about Coronavirus Lots of advice for families about coping with the lockdown, talking about what's going on, and keeping safe. |
For managing anxiety and worries. |
What to do if you're anxious about Coronavirus. |
Advice if you are worried about Coronavirus. |
CAHMS top tips for managing your mental health Advice from the NHS service for young people. |
Talking to kids about Coronavirus Great article form the Child Mind Institute in the US about how to talk to children and young people about Coronavirus. |
If you're worried about your mental health during the Coronavirus outbreak. |
Advice and support for anyone under 25 about Coronavirus and other issues. |
Resources for schools, the young person and for parents/carers. |
A website for child bereavement that has resources for schools, young people and parents/carers |
A website for young people to use. Set up by Cruse, the national charity for bereavement care. |
A charity for bereaved children. A specialist provider of support for children bereaved through homicide and suicide. Freephone: 08088 020 021 |
domestic abuse
IDAS - Sheffield Domestic Abuse Helpline * IDAS is the largest specialist charity in Yorkshire supporting anyone experiencing or affected by domestic abuse or sexual violence. Their services include refuge accommodation, community based support, peer mentoring, group work and access to a free, confidential out of hours’ helpline. Their teams of accredited specialist workers (support people through the criminal justice system in addition to providing emotional support and safety planning advice. Tel: 0808 808 2241 Monday – Friday : 8am – 7pm (not bank holidays), Saturday 9am – 5pm Outside of these hours call the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247 (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) You can talk to us about the abuse and work through which services might work best for you with an experienced helpline worker. If you phone the helpline and they can’t speak your language they can arrange an interpreter. You can also email they in your language, they will translate it and get back to you. Email: Website: IDAS Facebook: Twitter: |
Sheffield Domestic Abuse Co-ordinating Team– DACT * This Sheffield team can point you towards all the different support services you may need if you are suffering domestic abuse. |
A website created specifically for children and young people who experience domestic abuse. |
Information about how domestic abuse affects children. |
Confidential and free support and advice about domestic abuse. |
drugs and substance abuse
Advice if you are worried about a friend or family member in relation to drugs. |
Sheffield's free and confidential drug and alcohol service for young people aged 10-18. They offer advice and support to young people in the Sheffield area who are experiencing problems with drugs and alcohol. |
National website with honest information about drugs. Tel: 0300 123 6600 |
eating disorders
South Yorkshire Eating Disorder Association (SYEDA) * A local support group with website and useful contacts to support those with eating disorders. |
A national eating disorder charity with a helpline and youthline. |
exam stress
See also: Mindfulness
Advice on how to support your child if they are experiencing exam stress. |
Advice about how to deal with exam stress - from Childline and other young people. |
The UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health provides information about how parents can support their children during exam time. |
Information about getting help with gambling and how to talk to a young person about gambling. Tel: 0808 8020 133 |
SAYiT * Emotional wellbeing support for LGBT+ young people in Sheffield. Includes information about groups for young people and also for parents/carers. Tel: 0114 241 2728 Email: |
A helpline and useful information for trans young people and their families. Tel: 0808 801 0400 |
A national organisation to support all young, lesbian, gay, bi and trans people - as well as those who are questioning. |
mental health support
For managing anxiety and worries. |
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) A website and a helpline for men aged 15-35 who are feeling depressed or down. |
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A secure and confidential text messaging service for young people. It allows patients to easily and anonymously get in touch with a healthcare professional for advice and support. |
Young person friendly website with information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health/emotional health and wellbeing issues. Freephone: 0800 1111 |
CHILYPEP * The Children and Young People's Empowerment Project works with all young people in Sheffield and South Yorkshire, in particular, the most vulnerable and excluded groups to protect and promote their wellbeing and rights. |
A free app to help overcome anxiety. |
Information on depression and a self-help fact sheet. |
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Information on a wide range of health issues, including mental health. |
Door 43 * Run by Youth Information, Advice and Counselling Service (YIACS) within Sheffield Futures, offering support to 13-25 year olds on a range of issues in a young person centred environment. Includes drop-in sessions. |
Sheffield based, young person friendly website giving information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health/emotional health and wellbeing issues. Provides information for young people who want to support their friends. Also information for adults. |
An award-winning charity, at the forefront of self-esteem work in Sheffield and across the UK, working to equip young people with the confidence and skills to make positive choices for themselves. Includes drop-in sessions. |
A free online resource to help you understand issues or concerns you may have about mental health or addiction issues. |
Free online counselling support for 11-18 year olds |
Royal College of Psychiatrists Information about why obsessions become compulsions. |
Charity for the prevention of young suicide, with helpline Tel: 0800 068 4141 |
Information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health/emotional health and wellbeing issues. |
Royal College of Psychiatrists Information about the different types of anxiety and worries young people may have and how it can be treated. |
Royal College of Psychiatrists Information about how to recognise depression in young people and how you can help yourself/what others can do to help |
Support for anyone, 24 hours a day, 365 days a week. Online resources and freephone support. Freephone: 116 123 |
A website giving information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health/emotional health and wellbeing issue |
Activities, organisations, information and services in Sheffield - for adults, young people and families, and those with SEND. |
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Sheffield Mental Health Guide * A wide range of information provided, with contacts for local services (see 'search for support'). |
SToRMS * Sheffield based charity that aims to raise awareness of and reduce young male suicide. |
A website giving information, support and self-help advice for a range of mental health/emotional health and wellbeing issues. Great resources for parents and carers on how to support and start conversations with children about mental health and wellbeing. Are you a young person in crisis? You can text the YoungMinds Crisis Messenger. This is free 24/7 support if you are experiencing a mental health crisis. Text YM to 85258. All texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors. |
Mindfulness exercises and apps
Awareness of the breath is one of the foundational exercises for learning mindfulness meditation. It’s a popular starting point because the breath is something you can always access. It serves as a valuable anchor for other mindfulness practices. |
The body scan is a simple, structured way of bringing consciousness to different parts of body. The body scan can be very useful as a grounding mechanism when facing strong emotions, or if you’re having trouble stabilising awareness on the breath or body. |
Walking mindfully cultivates awareness of your body while it is in motion. Mindful walking can help to increase your energy level if you are tired or restless, and it can also add variety if you are doing longer periods of seated practice. It’s also useful because directing attention to walking, and even standing, is something you can do throughout the day. |
An app to support with meditation. |
An app to help manage anxiety. |
online safety
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The Own It app gives you advice when you need, in real-time as you type! Helping you to make smart choices, feel more confident, and live your best life online. Using a combination of self-reporting and ‘machine learning’, the app builds up a picture of your child’s digital wellbeing and serves relevant content, information and interventions designed to help your child understand the impact that their online behaviours can have on themselves, and on others. |
#OnlineSafetyatHome is a campaign from ThinkUKnow to inform families of the dangers of online gaming and how to do it safely. There are short videos and activity packs for 11-13 year olds and 14+ year olds. |
CEOP – Child exploitation and online protection command Report your concerns about how someone has been communicating with you online. |
Advice of 'Digital 5 a day' - easy to follow, practical steps for children and parents to achieve a healthy and balanced digital diet. |
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National Online Safety #wakeupwednesday National Online Safety is a website that school has subscribed to so that parents and carers can access a range of online video resources and weekly guides through their #WakeupWednesday campaign covering a huge range of topics, including:
For more information on creating an account please email - |
Your guide to social networks, apps and games - put together by O2 and NSPCC. |
A website with lots of information about different types of online activity. Helpline: 0808 800 5002 |
Lots of resources for 11-19 year olds about staying safe online. |
Lots of resources for parents and carers about staying safe online. |
Different websites for each age group and parents/carers about staying safe online. |
A guide to making the most of the internet - safely. Run by a not for profit organisation in partnership with the media industry. |
self harm
An app to support those who self-harm. |
Information about depression and self-harm in young people. |
Royal College of Psychiatrists Information for parents and carers about why young people self-harm and what can be done to help. |
Specific information about self-harm for both young people and parents and carers. |
sexual abuse & rape
SRASAC * Sheffield based support for anyone who has experienced abuse or sexual violence, whenever it happened. Tel: 0114 2412766 Email: |
Helpline if you are worried about a child, even if you're unsure. Run by professional counsellors for help, advice and support: 0808 800 5000 |
If you are under 18 and need confidential advice and support, wahtever your worry, whenever you need help. Freephone: 0800 1111 |
young carers
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Information and local support for young carers. |